How Much is Jamaica’s Minimum Wage?

Understanding Jamaica’s Minimum Wage Laws

Jamaica is a beautiful Caribbean island with a rich culture and a vibrant economy. As with any country, Jamaica has laws in place to protect its citizens, including laws regarding minimum wage. In this article, we will explore the current minimum wage laws in Jamaica and how they affect workers in the country.

What is the Current Minimum Wage in Jamaica?

The current minimum wage in Jamaica is $9,000 Jamaican dollars per 40-hour work week. This amount is equivalent to $59.10 US dollars per hour. This rate applies to all workers in Jamaica, regardless of their occupation or industry.

Who is Covered by Jamaica’s Minimum Wage Laws?

Jamaica’s minimum wage laws apply to all workers in the country, regardless of their occupation or industry. This includes both full-time and part-time workers, as well as those who are self-employed. The minimum wage also applies to workers who are paid on a commission basis.

Are There Any Exceptions to Jamaica’s Minimum Wage Laws?

Yes, there are some exceptions to Jamaica’s minimum wage laws. For example, workers who are under the age of 18 are not covered by the minimum wage laws. Additionally, workers who are employed in certain industries, such as domestic work, are not covered by the minimum wage laws.

What Are the Penalties for Not Paying the Minimum Wage?

Employers who do not pay their employees the minimum wage as required by law can face serious penalties. These penalties can include fines, jail time, and even the revocation of their business license. Additionally, employers who are found to be in violation of the minimum wage laws may be required to pay back wages to their employees.

What Other Benefits Do Jamaican Workers Receive?

In addition to the minimum wage, Jamaican workers are also entitled to other benefits, such as paid vacation time, sick leave, and overtime pay. Additionally, workers in Jamaica are entitled to a minimum of two weeks of paid vacation time per year. Workers are also entitled to a minimum of 12 days of paid sick leave per year.


Jamaica’s minimum wage laws are in place to protect workers in the country. The current minimum wage in Jamaica is $9,000 Jamaican dollars per 40-hour work week, which is equivalent to $59.10 US dollars per hour. These laws apply to all workers in the country, with some exceptions. Employers who do not comply with the minimum wage laws can face serious penalties, including fines, jail time, and the revocation of their business license. In addition to the minimum wage, Jamaican workers are also entitled to other benefits, such as paid vacation time, sick leave, and overtime pay.