Jamaican proverbs

Are you looking for a way to add a little bit of wisdom and Caribbean flair to your conversations? With their clever wordplay, Jamaican proverbs are the perfect addition! Here we’ll explore some of the most popular Jamaican proverbs and how they can be used in day-to-day life.

The Morning Sun Has Gold in its Mouth

The morning sun is a powerful symbol of hope and renewal. It’s often associated with the idea that there is gold to be found in every new day, even when it doesn’t seem like it. This Jamaican proverb speaks to the potential of each fresh start, and reminds us to embrace new opportunities and never give up on our dreams. The proverb also serves as a gentle reminder not to let past mistakes or disappointments hold us back from reaching our goals. With a bit of effort and perseverance, we can all make something beautiful out of our lives.

A Cat With Nine Lives Is More Cautious

Cats are known for their nine lives, but did you know that this also means that they are more cautious creatures? A cat with nine lives is not only blessed with extra chances at life, but it also means that they are more careful when it comes to taking risks. Cats have an innate ability to sense danger before it happens and can often avoid potential harm by being extra cautious.

Having nine lives gives cats the chance to learn from their mistakes and become smarter as a result. They can assess dangerous situations much quicker than other animals since they’ve experienced them before. This means that cats have a better understanding of what could potentially be dangerous and can act accordingly to protect themselves in the future.

Cats also tend to be more alert and aware of their surroundings than other animals, which helps them respond quickly if something unexpected comes up. Cats will often take extra precautions when crossing roads or exploring unfamiliar territory, because they know there’s always the possibility of danger lurking nearby.

Having nine lives may sound like a blessing, but it’s important to remember that cats still need our help and protection so they can live out all their lives safely and happily! Taking safety precautions around your home such as keeping hazardous materials out of reach or installing screens on windows can go a long way in protecting your cat’s nine lives – ensuring they get to enjoy all of them!

Every Road Leads to Rome

Every Road Leads to Rome is an old proverb that has been around since ancient times. It is often used to express the idea that there are many different paths and methods to reach a goal or destination. While it may be possible to take various routes to get somewhere, the proverb implies that in the end, all roads will lead you to the same final destination. This proverb is also used as a metaphor for life, suggesting that no matter what route one takes in life, they will ultimately arrive at their fate or destiny.

The origin of the phrase “Every Road Leads to Rome” is believed to have its roots in Ancient Rome. In its early days, Rome was one of the most powerful cities in the world and was known for its impressive road network that connected it with other major cities. This enabled travelers from all over Europe and beyond to reach Rome no matter how long or winding their journey may have been. The phrase thus became popular as a way of expressing the idea that no matter which path one chooses, ultimately they will end up at their intended destination.

Today, this proverb can be interpreted in many different ways depending on context and personal beliefs. Some view it as a reminder of perseverance and resilience when faced with difficulties; no matter how hard things seem, if you keep pushing forward you will eventually find your way out of any difficult situation you are in. For others it can be interpreted as an optimistic view on life; while our paths may differ from each other’s, we all still share common goals and aspirations deep down inside us – so even if we take different paths we will still achieve our goals eventually.

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket is an old adage that has been used for generations to remind people to diversify their investments and effort. The proverb means that one should not put all of their resources into one endeavor or opportunity but rather spread them out amongst multiple opportunities to reduce risk and increase the chance of success. This saying can be applied to many aspects of life, from finances to relationships. By spreading your focus, energy and resources across multiple areas, you are more likely to find success and avoid total loss in any one area.

Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch is a popular Jamaican proverb that cautions people to be cautious and not expect too much from something that hasn’t yet happened. The proverb warns against expecting the best from something before it has actually happened, as things may not turn out as expected. This proverb can be applied to any situation where one has expectations, whether it is an upcoming event or a business venture. The saying encourages people to wait and see what happens before making any decisions or investments. As Jamaicans are known for their wisdom and insight, this proverb serves as an important reminder to think twice before counting on something.

Waste Not, Want Not

Waste Not, Want Not is an old adage that has been around for centuries, and it is still relevant today. It means that we should be mindful of how we use our resources and not waste them needlessly. We should strive to use our resources efficiently and responsibly in order to get the most from them. This proverb emphasizes the importance of conserving whatever resources we have, as well as being mindful of not wasting them unnecessarily. The idea behind Waste Not, Want Not is that when we are able to properly manage our resources, we will be better off financially in the long run. In other words, we can avoid having to go without certain things if we are careful with how much of our resources we use up. It’s a great reminder that taking care of what you have now can make a big difference in your financial future!

See a Pin and Pick it Up, All the Day You’ll Have Good Luck

The popular Jamaican proverb “See a Pin and Pick it Up, All the Day You’ll Have Good Luck” is an expression of optimism. It encourages people to seize opportunities that come their way and make the most of them. The proverb reinforces the notion that with hard work and determination, success can be achieved even in difficult circumstances. This proverb also reminds us to keep our eyes open for opportunities that may present themselves throughout the day, as they could lead to good luck. Ultimately, this proverb serves as a reminder to never give up hope and that with effort, anything is possible.

Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You

Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You is an age-old phrase that has been passed down for generations. It is a warning to not be ungrateful or disrespectful to those who have helped and provided for us. To “bite the hand that feeds you” means to turn against or mistreat someone who has been generous or kind towards you. This phrase serves as an important reminder to show gratitude and respect for those who offer us kindness and support, regardless of their position in life.

The phrase “Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You” originated from a proverb in Jamaica, which translates roughly to “Never bite the hands that feed you”. The proverb emphasizes the importance of being grateful and loyal to those who have been there for us during difficult times, even if our relationship with them changes over time. It encourages us to remember our roots and appreciate those who have supported us along our journey, no matter how small or large their contribution may be.

This saying is applicable in all aspects of life, whether it be in family relationships, friendships, or professional settings. Showing appreciation towards someone who has done something nice for you is always important; it helps foster positive relationships and strengthens bonds between people. Even if we don’t always agree with someone’s opinions or methods, we should still treat them with kindness and respect as much as possible — never forgetting what they have done for us in the past — so that we can continue to enjoy their generosity in the future.

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

A stitch in time saves nine is a popular proverb that highlights the importance of taking care of problems when they are small. This proverb suggests that if you don’t take care of something right away, it could become a much bigger problem later on. It encourages us to be proactive and take action to prevent issues from escalating. By tackling problems quickly and efficiently, we can save ourselves a lot of hassle in the long run. Taking this advice can help us to avoid stress and wasted time down the line. Therefore, it’s wise to pay attention to this old adage and act quickly whenever possible.

A Man is Judged by His Deeds, Not His Words

The proverb “A Man is Judged by His Deeds, Not His Words” reminds us that our actions are more important than our words. This phrase implies that our deeds tell more about us than what we say. It is a reminder that our character and reputation are largely determined by how we act rather than what we say. Our character can be judged based on the decisions we make and the actions we take, not just on what words come out of our mouth.

In other words, if someone’s behavior does not match their words, then it will be obvious whose opinion should be trusted more. People will usually trust a person who follows through with their commitments and speaks from experience instead of one who talks without ever taking action or delivering results.

Ultimately, this proverb is an encouragement to practice integrity in all areas of life. When we do the right thing and stay consistent with our values, people will recognize us as trustworthy and dependable individuals. On the other hand, when someone talks big but fails to back it up with action, others may start to doubt them in the long run. Therefore, it’s important to remember that actions speak louder than words – so always strive to do the right thing!

Every Dog Has Its Day

Every dog has its day is an old saying that reminds us to be humble and patient. It means that no one will always have success or good luck, but that it will come eventually if we remain steadfast. The phrase is believed to have originated in the 16th century, when it was used by Shakespeare in his play All’s Well That Ends Well. It may also have been inspired by a popular English proverb from the 17th century: “Every man has his own luck, and every dog his day”.

The phrase can be interpreted in different ways depending on the context. On one hand, it can mean that everyone will get their chance to succeed in life if they are patient and work hard enough for it. On the other hand, it can also be seen as a reminder to not take our successes for granted or let them go to our heads; no matter how much success we achieve, there will always be someone else who has done better than us.

In modern times, this saying is often used as an encouragement when someone faces a difficult situation or setback; it implies that better days are ahead and serves as a reminder not to give up hope. Ultimately, this phrase serves as a reminder of how important patience and humility are in life – something we could all use more of!

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick is a popular phrase, attributed to the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. It’s often used to describe an approach to dealing with foreign policy, or in other words, that it’s better to talk rather than resorting straight away to aggression. The idea being that it is better to negotiate from a position of strength than one of weakness.

The phrase has its roots in an African proverb which states: “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” Roosevelt adopted this phrase as his own motto and used it as a way of demonstrating America’s new-found power following the Spanish-American War of 1898. He believed that if America was able to demonstrate its strength while also engaging in diplomacy then it could avoid unnecessary conflict and be more successful in achieving its goals on the world stage.

This principle was put into practice by Roosevelt during his time as president when he intervened in conflicts around the world such as those between Russia and Japan (the Russo-Japanese War) and between Germany and France (the First Moroccan Crisis). In both cases he was able to successfully use diplomacy while also displaying American strength through military maneuvers such as deploying naval fleets off the coasts of Europe or sending troops into Latin America.

Today, ‘Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick’ is still widely cited by politicians who wish to present themselves as strong yet diplomatic leaders who are capable of finding peaceful solutions.

Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

The saying “Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth” is an old proverb that has been passed down through generations. It is thought to have originated from the practice of inspecting a horse’s teeth to determine its age, and thus its value. The proverb is used today as a reminder not to be ungrateful when someone gives you something. It serves as a warning not to focus too much on the little flaws or imperfections that come along with any gift, but rather to be thankful for whatever it may be. In other words, don’t look too closely at what you’re given – just accept it graciously and with appreciation. This wisdom can also apply to other situations such as when we receive advice or criticism – don’t focus on what may be wrong with it but instead look for the value in it and learn from it.

It Takes Two to Tango

It takes two to tango! This is an old saying that has been used for centuries to express the idea that it takes both parties in a situation to make something happen. It implies that it takes two people working together in order for something to be achieved. This phrase can be applied to many different situations, from relationships and marriages, to business partnerships and even friendships.

In a romantic relationship, it means that both partners need to work together in order for the relationship to succeed. Both parties must invest time and effort into making their relationship work — whether it’s communicating better or compromising when needed. It also implies that each partner should take responsibility for their own actions and be willing to forgive one another when necessary.

The same concept applies when forming business partnerships or collaborations — both parties must come together with compatible goals and objectives if they want their venture to succeed. Each person must contribute equally, work hard, communicate well, and be willing to compromise if needed.

The phrase “it takes two to tango” is also associated with friendship because friends need each other in order for the relationship dynamic between them both stay strong and healthy over time. Friends must support each other through thick and thin — being there for one another during difficult times as well as celebrating successes together — if they want their friendship last a lifetime.

Overall, “it takes two people tango” is an age-old saying that emphasizes the importance of working together as a team if you want something great accomplished — especially in relationships of all kinds!


Jamaican proverbs are an important part of the culture and heritage of Jamaica. They offer insight into the values and beliefs of the people, providing timeless wisdom for life’s situations. Jamaican proverbs can be funny, deep or cautionary, but they all teach valuable lessons that can be applied to daily life. Whether it’s being patient and working hard, not judging a book by its cover or being thankful for our blessings, Jamaican proverbs have something to offer everyone.