national water commission jamaica

Do you ever wonder about the state of Jamaica’s water infrastructure? Are you curious about how it is managed and maintained? If so, then this blog post is for you! We’ll take a look at the National Water Commission (NWC) of Jamaica, their role in managing the country’s water supply, and how they ensure safe and clean drinking water.

Introduction to the National Water Commission Jamaica

The National Water Commission (NWC) is a statutory organization in Jamaica that is responsible for providing potable water and wastewater services to the population. The NWC produces more than 90% of Jamaica’s total potable water supply, which serves over 2 million persons daily. It is tasked with supplying this service to a distributed population across hilly terrain, despite many communities being far removed from reliable sources. To ensure efficiency and compliance, the NWC has set a goal of achieving 90% customer satisfaction by 2030.

The NWC is responsible for all major water and sewerage operations including production, distribution, maintenance and repairs of infrastructure. In addition to these duties, they provide support services such as billing and customer service. The Office of the Auditor General also holds them at a higher standard due to their importance in providing these critical services throughout Jamaica.

Overall, the National Water Commission plays an integral role in ensuring that Jamaicans have access to potable water and wastewater services which are essential for their health and wellbeing

Overview of Jamaica’s Water System

Jamaica’s water system is managed and maintained by the National Water Commission (NWC). They are responsible for providing potable water and wastewater treatment services to 2.6 million Jamaicans. The NWC produces 90% of the country’s total potable water supply from over 160 underground sources. This includes water treatment plants, storage facilities, and a network of distribution systems throughout the island. The NWC also conducts research on cost-effective solutions to ensure that Jamaica’s water supply is safe and clean for all citizens. By investing in research and technology, the NWC has been able to provide quality service for many years, ensuring sustainability for Jamaica’s future generations.

Governance and Regulatory Structure

The governance and regulatory structure of Jamaica’s water resources is managed by the Water Resources Authority (WRA). The WRA is responsible for ensuring that the island’s water resources – both surface and sub-surface – are well regulated. The Ministry of Health (MOH) establishes water quality standards through Interim Jamaica (IJAM), which must be adhered to by the NWC. Additionally, the NWC should strive to achieve 99% compliance with Determination Notices.

The National Water Commission (NWC) is the main institution responsible for all major water and sewerage operations, including production of water for all Jamaicans as well as providing sewerage services. It has expertise in institutional arrangements of water utilities, legal and regulatory requirements, corporate governance and government policy on privatization. In order to facilitate these services, Castalia prepared a submission to the regulator seeking a tariff increase based on a marginal cost analysis and recommended improvements.

In order to ensure access to safe drinking water for all Jamaicans by 2030, the Government has been improving its Climate Change Policy Framework and Action Plan as well as its role in relation to National Investment Bank of Jamaica through its NWC Privatization Policy.

NWC Services and Tariffs

The National Water Commission (NWC) is the leading provider of water and sewerage services in Jamaica. The NWC supplies 190 million gallons of potable water each day to its more than 400,000 registered accounts representing about 2 million persons. To ensure that NWC customers receive a reliable and quality service, the Commission has established tariffs for electricity, foreign exchange rate, and consumer price index.

The System Development Charges (SDC’s) or Impact Fees applied by the NWC on new developments provide an equitable and structured mechanism to recover or offset the cost of service so that customers can enjoy a reliable water supply. The ANPAM adjusted base rates are displayed in Table 4.2 below and are applicable to the services consumed by NWC’s customers in Jamaica.

Active Accounts are those that have legitimate water and/or sewerage service connections to the Commission’s infrastructure. These accounts benefit from NWC’s tariff structure which includes Foreign Exchange Rate at $157.13 per 0.18; Electricity Rate/KWH at $54.41 per 0.20; Consumer Price Index; and other charges as deemed necessary by the Commission over time.

By using the Online Payment Portal, customers can conveniently pay their bills without any additional fees or charges attached to it – making it a FREE service available to all our valued customers using a VISA, MASTERCARD or Jamaican debit card!

Service Delivery Enhancements

The National Water Commission (NWC) of Jamaica is committed to providing safe and reliable water services to its customers. To meet the increasing demand for water and sewerage services, the NWC has implemented several service delivery enhancements. These include charging Impact Fees for new projects and investments in infrastructure, expanding access to sewerage services, and implementing a tariff increase of 19% for water services. The NWC also provides resources on their website to help customers better understand and maintain water systems in their homes. With these initiatives, the NWC is ensuring that Jamaicans have access to clean and reliable potable water.

Public Health Initiatives

Public health initiatives are important for ensuring everyone has access to clean, safe water. The National Water Commission (NWC) of Jamaica is the primary provider of potable water in the country and supplies over two million persons with water service daily. In order to increase access to this vital resource, NWC has implemented a plan to move Jamaica’s direct house-to-house water supply coverage from 73% of households to 85%.

Additionally, NWC conducts research and implements cost-effective solutions for treating Jamaica’s water supplies. This is part of their effort to increase efficiency and service reliability while also providing citizens with access to clean drinking water. To ensure that all samples are within the standards set by NWC, they are required to take any necessary samples at both source and distribution points for analysis.

In addition, NWC partners with Miya-Jamaica on a program that promotes equitable access to safe water and good sanitation services across the country. This program was chosen out of a shortlist that included Uzbekistan and other countries around the world.

Overall, public health initiatives like those implemented by NWC are essential for ensuring everyone has access to quality drinking water. By increasing coverage of direct house-to-house water supply, conducting research on cost effective solutions for treating Jamaica’s watersupplies, taking samples for analysis, and partnering with Miya-Jamaica on a program promoting equitable access – NWC is helping promote healthy lifestyles among Jamaicans by providing them with clean drinkingwater.

Water Conservation Education Programs

Water conservation is an important part of preserving our planet’s natural resources. The National Water Commission (NWC) in Jamaica is committed to educating the public on the importance of conserving water and how to do it effectively.

The NWC has launched a program that focuses on teaching children how to conserve water at home and at school. This program is designed to be engaging and interactive, so that children can learn about best practices for saving water in fun ways! The NWC also produces more than 90% of Jamaica’s total potable water, so it is essential for them to spread awareness about preserving this vital resource.

The NWC also aims to promote their Water Project Jamaica, which was created to address water management issues related to climate change. Additionally, they are following the National Water Sector Policy (2019) by increasing public education on environmental issues such as irrigation services in line with the National Irrigation Development Plan.

Overall, the NWC’s efforts are making a real difference in helping Jamaicans understand the importance of conserving water and how they can do their part in protecting our planet’s resources. By taking small steps towards changing our behaviors now, we can make a huge impact in protecting our environment for future generations.

Sewerage Expansion Projects Around Jamaica

The National Water Commission (NWC) is Jamaica’s premier provider of water and sewerage services, working to ensure the island has access to clean, safe water. As part of its mission to improve the aged infrastructure and expand access to more of the population, NWC is undertaking a number of sewerage expansion projects across Jamaica.

These projects include the refurbishment and expansion of wastewater treatment plants in Clarendon, St. Catherine, St. Thomas, Portland and St. Mary as well as the development of water supply projects that aim to expand service coverage to at least 80% of residents by 2022/23 fiscal year. To make these improvements possible NWC is also using solar power alongside photovoltaic systems in order to reduce electricity costs while still providing reliable service.

In order for residents to take advantage of these new services they must apply directly with NWC who can provide information on pricing plans and other requirements. NWC remains committed in its efforts to improve infrastructure across Jamaica so that all citizens can enjoy access to clean water and safe sanitation facilities for years to come.

Environmental Sustainability Efforts

The National Water Commission (NWC) is committed to protecting Jamaica’s public and environmental health while supporting economic development. To achieve this goal, the NWC has implemented an Environmental Sustainability Efforts programme which includes investing in improved access to potable water, as well as improving their aged infrastructure.

The NWC currently produces more than 90% of Jamaica’s total potable water supply, supplying over 2 million people with water service daily. This is a costly responsibility that must be carried out effectively. As sections of Jamaica are currently experiencing drought, the NWC is looking for ways to ensure ongoing access to clean and safe water for all Jamaicans.

In partnership with Miya-Jamaica, the NWC won a short list of countries including Uzbekistan in 2022/23 fiscal year for improved access to safe drinking water. This effort aligns with one of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG 7): To ensure environmental sustainability, specifically Target 7c: By 2015 halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.

The NWC is also investing in other solutions such as increasing storage capacity and modernizing infrastructure which will help reduce vulnerability during drought conditions and improve accessibility throughout Jamaica. With these initiatives in place, the National Water Commission will continue its work towards providing safe drinking water for all Jamaicans while protecting our environment at the same time.

Investment Opportunities in the Jamaican Water Sector

Are you looking for an investment opportunity in Jamaica’s water sector? You should look no further than the National Water Commission (NWC). The NWC is a government agency responsible for providing potable water and wastewater services to Jamaicans and is heavily investing in overhauling the country’s aging water infrastructure.

The NWC produces more than 90% of Jamaica’s total potable water supply and is aiming to move Jamaica’s direct house-to-house water supply coverage from 73% of households to 85%, boosting efficiency and service reliability. In order to meet the increasing demand for water and sewage services, the NWC has invested US$3.5 billion in projects such as Vision 2030, which sets out a national vision that Jamaica will be a place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business.

Investors interested in this sector can expect opportunities like assisting with the expansion of existing infrastructure, improving access to clean drinking water, building new treatment plants and upgrading existing ones, or even contributing resources towards research on sustainable solutions for efficient wastewater management.

Overall investing in the Jamaican water sector could bring about substantial returns on investment due to its importance as well as its potential for growth.

Partnerships for Rural Development and Improved Access to Water Sources

The National Water Commission (NWC) of Jamaica is the primary provider of potable water in the country, supplying more than 2 million people with water service daily. In order to improve access to clean, safe drinking water and sanitation for all Jamaicans, NWC has partnered with local governments and enterprises to expand access to water supply by 2015. The Water Sector Policy includes standards for access as well as improved efficiency of NWC resources. The Inter-American Development Bank has also provided a US$133 million loan to Jamaica National Water Commission to help with its efforts in improving rural access and modernization of its distribution network. The goal is for all Jamaicans to have improved access to clean, safe drinking water and better sanitation services by 2030.

Metering, Billing, and Payment Systems Improvements

Metering, billing, and payment systems improvements are essential for the National Water Commission (NWC) in Jamaica. The NWC has implemented a multi-million US dollar Portmore NRW reduction Programme to improve their metering, billing, and payment systems. This includes door-to-door surveys of existing and potential customers using global positioning system (GPS) devices, installation of meters at customer premises while ensuring they remain the property of the Commission, and extending sewerage network in built-up areas to guarantee standards for the NWC.

The NWC also offers a free online payment portal that allows customers to pay with VISA or Mastercard. This helps make payments easier and more convenient for customers. Additionally, the NWC is working on implementing aspects of the programme such as replacing aged meters and installing more accurate meters for better meter reading and billing systems.

Overall, these improvements help ensure that customers have access to clean water while making it easier for them to pay their bills on time. The NWC encourages its customers to take advantage of these improvements by paying their bill so they can continue enjoying life’s necessities.

NWC Customer Care Programs

The National Water Commission (NWC) is committed to providing excellent customer service and support. They offer a wide range of customer care programs designed to meet the needs of their customers and provide them with the best possible experience.

Their services include 24/7 help lines, online chat support, email request submission, and field officer visits. Customers can call the toll-free number 888-CALL-NWC for any queries or problems they may have regarding their water service. They can also text 876 838-LEAK (876 838-5325) for any reports on leakages or other issues related to their water service.

Customers can also submit an email request for support to or utilize the website’s live chat feature at to get instant help from NWC representatives in real time. The NWC also offers a 2 year report service which provides customers with an overview of their water consumption patterns over that period so they can better manage their usage and save money on bills in the long run.

The NWC Customer Care Program is designed to ensure that all customers receive reliable, high quality services at all times while providing them with necessary tools and resources to make informed decisions about their water usage and conservation efforts.

NWC Contribution to Economic Growth

The National Water Commission (NWC) plays an important role in Jamaica’s economic growth. By providing 190 million gallons of potable water each day to its registered accounts, the NWC contributes directly to the well-being of the 2 million people it serves. Additionally, it produces over 90% of Jamaica’s total potable water supply, with over 70% and 15% of the population being served directly with water and distribution network respectively.

In order to further facilitate the management of non-revenue water and improve delivery of this commodity to citizens, the government is investing in numerous projects. For instance, they have contributed 10 million towards the success of Font Hill Water Supply Upgrading Project which includes participation in an exhibition and official launch ceremony for World Water Day celebrations led by the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation.

The NWC also works closely with The Auditor General’s Department of Jamaica who is responsible for presenting reports regarding effectiveness in service provision to The House of Representatives. This organization is actively working to ensure that their regulations are up-to-date with modern socio-economic conditions in Jamaica, thus helping to foster economic growth throughout the country.


The National Water Commission (NWC) of Jamaica is the primary provider of potable water in the country, supplying over two million people with water service daily. The NWC operates within the policy context of the Government of Jamaica’s goal to have universal access to potable water by 2005. To ensure that water quality standards specified by the Ministry of Health (MOH) are met, NWC has developed its K-Factor Programme and a number of other initiatives. These programmes have allowed NWC to make significant progress towards achieving their goal while also reducing their energy consumption and environmental footprint. The key findings from this analysis are that NWC has made great strides in providing safe and reliable access to potable water for all Jamaicans, while also reducing their energy consumption and environmental impact.